Israel Science and Technology Directory


Biomedical Associations
@ Dental associations
@ Health sciences
@ Medical associations
@ Non-Profit Organizations for medical care
Association of Pharmacists in Israel
ESIEntomological Society of Israel
FISEBFederation of Israel Societies for Experimental Biology03.6384444
GSIGenetics Society of Israel
IESIsrael Endocrine Society
IISIsrael Immunological Society
ILASOLIsrael Society for Astrobiology and the Study of the Origin of Life
ISBMBIsrael Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology03.6355038
ISBEIsrael Society for Biotechnology Engineering
ISCLSIsrael Society for Clinical Laboratory Sciences03.6409759
ISSDBIsrael Society for Developmental Biology08.9343715
ISMIsrael Society for Microbiology03.5651344
ISMIsrael Society for Microscopy
ISFNIsrael Society for Neuroscience03.9694126
Israel Society of Medical Geneticists
ISPPIsrael Society of Physiology and Pharmacology04.8295261
ISCSIsrael Stem Cell Society
Israeli Biomimicry Organization
ICRSIsraeli Chapter of the Controlled Release Society
ILAFIsraeli Laboratory Animal Forum04.9535030
ISRLAIsraeli Longevity Alliance
IPSIsraeli Phytopathological Society
Israeli Society for Aquarium Hobbyist
ISBCBIsraeli Society for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology04.8293958
ISCRIsraeli Society for Cancer Research03.6043498
ISEBIsraeli Society for Evolutionary Biology
ISREVIsraeli Society for Extracellular Vesicles Research
ISoH-TechIsraeli Society for HealthTech
ISPPTDIsraeli Society for Parasitology, Protozoology and Tropical Diseases
Israeli Society of Plant Sciences
PDAParenteral Drug Association Israel Chapter052.3205607
Pharma Israel -
Association of research based pharmaceutical companies
PSIPharmaceutical Society of Israel077.5503570
SPCASociety for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals in Israel03.5136500
Zoological Society of Israel

@ List of associations on other subjects.