Israel Science and Technology Directory

Biomedical Sciences

International Associations
Antibody Society
AMEEAssociation for Medical Education in Europe
EMSEuropean Microscopy Society
EMBnetEuropean Molecular Biology Network
EMBOEuropean Molecular Biology Organization
ESPEEuropean Society for Paediatric Endocrinology
ESEEuropean Society of Endocrinology
ESHGEuropean Society of Human Genetics
ESHREEuropean Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology
FEBSFederation of European Biochemical Societies
FESPBFederation of European Societies of Plant Biology
GA4GHGlobal Alliance for Genomics and Health
GPCGlobal Plant Council
HUPOHuman Proteome Organization
ICOInternational Carbohydrate Organization
ICMJEInternational Committee of Medical Journal Editors
IFCBInternational Federation for Cell Biology
IFBLSInternational Federation of Biomedical Laboratory Science
IFSHCInternational Federation of Societies for Histochemistry and Cytochemisty
IFSMInternational Federation of Societies for Microscopy
ISACInternational Society for Advancement of Cytometry
ISCBInternational Society for Computational Biology
ISHPSSBInternational Society for History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Biology
ISHAMInternational Society for Human and Animal Mycology
ISNInternational Society for Neurochemistry
ISSCRInternational Society for Stem Cell Research
ISSXInternational Society for the Study of Xenobiotics
ISDBInternational Society of Developmental Biologists
ISDInternational Society of Differentiation
ISEInternational Society of Endocrinology
ISOPInternational Society of Protistologists
ISOADInternational Society on Aging and Disease
IUPESMInternational Union for Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine
IUPHARInternational Union of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology
IUBMBInternational Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
IUBSInternational Union of Biological Sciences
IUISInternational Union of Immunological Societies
IUMSInternational Union of Microbiological Societies
IUPSInternational Union of Physiological Sciences
IUTOXInternational Union of Toxicology
RNA Society
SFHSociety for Histochemistry
SMBSociety for Mathematical Biology
IASOWorld Obesity Federation

@ List of international association in other disciplines.