Cumulative graph of confirmed COVID-19 cases in Israel - Logarithmic scale
Cumulative number of confirmed cases of coronavirus infection and the number of deaths in Israel. After vaccination of over 5 million citizens during March-April 2021, the number of new daily infections rapidly decreased. Yet, the so-called "4th wave" started in July 2021, with the change of government and official policies on many measures of protection.
Source: The daily reports of the Ministry of Health.
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Also see:
- Daily statistics of coronavirus infections in Israel - Linear scale.
- Israel National News (Arutz 7) interview with Prof. Israel Hanukoglu about the statistical trends in the coronavirus pandemic, April 6th, 2020.
- It’s not exponential: An economist’s view of the epidemiological curve
Citation for the page
Hanukoglu, Israel. (2025, March 12). "Cumulative graph of COVID-19 cases in Israel - logarithmic scale". Retrieved from