Israel Science and Technology Directory

Earth and Environmental Sciences

Departments of Earth Science
Bar-Ilan UniversityDepartment of Geography and Environment03.5318340
Ben Gurion UniversityDepartment of Desert Ecology08.6596771
Ben Gurion UniversityDepartment of Environmental Hydrology and Microbiology08.6596901
Ben Gurion UniversityDepartment of Geography and Environmental Development08.6461395
Ben Gurion UniversityDepartment of Geological and Environmental Sciences08.6461288
Ben Gurion UniversityInternational School for Desert Studies08.6596733
Ben Gurion UniversitySchool for Desert Studies08.6596758
Hebrew UniversityDepartment of Geography02.5883017
Hebrew UniversityInstitute of Earth Sciences02.6586511
Hebrew UniversityInstitute of Urban and Regional Studies02.5883367
Tel Aviv UniversityDepartment of Geography and the Human Environment03.6409896
Tel Aviv UniversityDepartment of Geophysics03.6405720
Tel Aviv UniversityDepartment of Geophysics and Planetary Sciences03.6408633
University of HaifaDepartment of Geography and Environmental Studies04.8248106
University of HaifaDepartment of Natural Resources and Environmental Management04.8249919
University of HaifaSchool of Marine Sciences04.8288267
Weizmann InstituteDepartment of Earth and Planetary Sciences08.9343916

@ List of Departments in other disciplines.