Israel Science and Technology Directory

Arab-Israeli Conflict Articles

Articles about the United Nations

The United Nations has an extreme anti-Israel bias. The anti-Israel stance of the UN is a consequence of its membership structure. Twenty-one members of the UN are Arab countries, and 52 members represent Islamic countries. The Arab-Israeli conflict is essentially a religious conflict. Israel as the only Jewish state has no chance for a fair hearing in the UN.

Israel is the only democratic country in the Middle East. In contrast, the majority of Islamic countries do not have democratic regimes, and many transgress the fundamental human rights of their populations. Despite this great gap, the UN passes resolutions mostly and specifically against Israel. See the Database of UN Resolutions at UN Watch.

Quote from Move America Forward: "Instead of serving as a rallying point for free nations and free people to unite to combat terrorism, the United Nations has become a safe harbor, apologist and defender of terrorist organizations and their agents."

PhillipsIsraeli Knesset banned UNRWA from operating in Israel and Gaza2024-10-31
BreuerIsrael outlaws UNRWA2024-10-29
HaleyUN antisemitism led to October 7 massacre2023-12-23
UNwatchUNRWA’s Teachers of Hate2022‑06‑23
SinkinsonWhy do so many nations join bizarre UN votes against truth, history and the Jewish state?2021-12-15
BensonAt the UN, 129 countries erase Jewish ties to Jerusalem2021-12-02
CalvoIsrael: The settlements are not illegal2020-05-19
BenariU.S. freezes grant to UNRWA2018-01-05
KleinThe UN continues its Israel-bashing2017-12-22
SavirHaley arrives in Israel, has 'no patience for bullies' at UN2017-06-07
HaleyThe U.N. Human Rights Council whitewashes brutality2017-06-02
McCarthyUN Security Council resolution against Israel - Obama's betrayal2016-12-24
BakerThe self-destruction of UNESCO2016-04-19
RosettForget reform. The U.N. needs regime change2004-12-29
PragerI have contempt for the United Nations2004-04-20
DershowitzUnited Nations (U.N.) and international terrorism by Palestinians2003-08-28
AnonymousUS Government funding of the UN2003-08
GraulichThe UN massacre2003-06-26
FarahSay goodbye to the U.N.2003-03-20
LambUndoing the U.N.2003-03-17
EidelbergQuit the UN2002-07-11
CarubaThe U.N.: Irrelevant and malignant2002-06-15
AIPACU.N. bias against Israel2002-05-20
RubinThe U.N.'s refugees: The international body gives aid and comfort to terrorists2002-04-18
NewmanA nation that dwells alone: The UN-ique lock-out of Israel from the UN2000-08-01

UN providing support and refuge for Arab Palestinian terror groups.

ENEMIES WITHIN: How the United Nations supports terrorists and fuels global chaos.
