Ellinger | The Dark Reality of Sharia Law: Analyzing Recent Global Incidents | 2024‑11‑16 |
Chiaramonte | Christian persecution across the globe | 2017-01-06 |
Bergen | A post-Christian Middle East? | 2013-08-22 |
Lopez | Christians face persecution, extinction in Islamic lands | 2013-03-27 |
Kemp | Tunisia, Egypt: Is this the start of the return of the caliphate? | 2011-01-31 |
Ali | How to win the clash of civilizations | 2010-08-18 |
Blech | WORLD WAR III - The war on the Jews and the rise of the world security state | 2007-06-01 |
Marcus | Hamas: Islam will conquer US and Britain | 2006‑06‑22 |
Bush | President Bush's speech on the five-year anniversary of the 9/11 attacks | 2006-09-11 |
Bukay | The religious foundations of suicide bombings Islamist ideology | 2006-09-01 |
Pipes | The Vatican confronts Islam | 2006-07-04 |
Karsh | Islam's imperial dreams | 2006-04-04 |
CNN | Muslims urged to make West 'bleed for years' | 2006-03-05 |
Sultan | Wafa Sultan interview on clash of civilizations | 2006-02-21 |
Glick | Arab Moslem global Jihad = World War III | 2004-05-14 |
Chan | American beheaded on web video | 2004-05-12 |
Kessler | Suicide bombers explode in Western targets in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia | 2003-05-13 |
Kessler | U.S. planners surprised by strength of Iraqi Shiites | 2003-04-23 |
Sciutto | In praise of Bin Laden in Saudi Arabia schools | 2002-12-10 |
Paz | Middle East Islamism in the European arena | 2002-09-15 |
Blitzer | Suicide bombings in the United States? | 2002-04-09 |