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Arab-Israeli Conflict Articles Antisemitism

IT'S anti-Jewish/anti-Western HATE-EDUCATION, STUPID!

By Yoram Ettinger, From The Jerusalem Cloakroom #132, August 16, 2003

Western indifference toward Hitler's hate-education - the fuel and the engine of Nazi's genocidal and megalomaniac policies - facilitated unprecedented human calamity. What will be the cost of Western tolerance of decades-old hate education in all Arab states and the PA - the fuel and the engine of Homicide Bombing, plaguing the Free World?!

Israel and Jews pictured as a snake

This caricature accompanies an article calling for war against Israel, as a precondition for Arab unity. Here, the target is not just Israel, but all Jews. The Jewish fangs are aimed at all humanity, and the Arabs, under Egyptian leadership (note the globe wearing a kaffiyeh) have the task of eliminating the scourge. (From: Al-Sha'ab, Egypt, May 30, 1989. Comments from Ariel Center for Policy Research).

Architects of the Road Map have turned a blind eye toward the actual root cause of the Arab-Israeli conflict - centuries old dehumanization and delegitimization of Jews and Judeo-Christian values - lest it demolishes wishful-thinking. Instead, they have promoted the superficial ''territorial root cause." Hence, the appeasement of the Arabs, while pressuring Israel to yield Land for Peace. Thus, they've repeated, rather than learned from, past critical errors.

The following are excerpts from an essay ("National Interest", Summer 2003) by Prof. Wistrich of the Hebrew University:

1. "NAZISM, COMMUNISM, RADICAL PAN-ARAB NATIONALISM AND ISLAMISM DECLARED WAR ON JUDEO-CHRISTIAN and sought, or are seeking, the downfall of Western liberal democracy. They all share the same penchant for conspiracy theories of history, society and civilization... The Jihad to liberate Muslims across the world from oppression and injustice is simultaneously anti-American and anti-Jewish. It is viscerally opposed to liberalism, individualism and modernity, rejecting laissez faire in economics, politics and culture... [Islamists] deeply despise the political liberties of the West, such as freedom of speech, freedom of thought and freedom of association and assembly... ... Like the global Jihadists of Al-Qaeda, Palestinian Islamists are driven by a violently anti-Western and anti-Jewish religious fanaticism... There is currently a culture of hatred that permeates books, magazines, newspapers, sermons, video-cassettes, the Internet, TV and radio in the Arab Mideast, which has not been seen since the heyday of Nazi Germany. The dehumanizing images of Jews and Israel that are penetrating the body politic of Islam are sufficiently radical to constitute a new warrant for genocide. They combine the blood libel of medieval Christian Europe with Nazi conspiracy theories about Jewish drive for 'world domination' and slanderous Islamic quotes about Jews as the 'sons of apes and donkeys'...

2. "ISRAEL, MORE THAN EVER, WAS EXECRATED AS A DAGGER OF THE WEST poised to strike at the heart of the Muslim Arab world... In the Islamic demonology, both America and Israel are now bonded together as 'Satanic forces' that threaten the core identity, values and existence of Islam... This chorus of voices has grown shriller with the American war on Iraq... Islamists see the 'all powerful Zionist lobby everywhere, draining the life-blood of Arabs and Muslims, gratuitously inciting war against Iraq... The current popularity of The Protocols of The Elders of Zion - a forged Russian document - is frightening testimony to the power of such myths. The recent TV series in Egypt dramatizing the 'Protocols' is a mark of how deeply this anti-Semitic virus has already penetrated the thinking of political Islam. [Saudi Arabia] is a major hotbed of Muslim Jihad that specifically calls for the murder of Jews and Christians. Government dailies print gory nonsense about 'the well-established fact that Jews spill human blood for their holiday pastries...'

Israel and the USA pictured as an axe that divides Arab Unity

3. "THE JEWISH QUESTION IN RADICAL ISLAM IS NOT CENTERED ON PALESTINE, and certainly does not see Palestine as a purely territorial issue... [It] is driven by an irrational belief that history itself is determined by the evil machinations of the Jewish people.. directly following the Nazi model...

4. "[ISLAMISTS] SEE ZIONISM AND AMERICANISM AS KINDRED EXPRESSIONS OF AN EXISTENTIAL THREAT TO MUSLIM IDENTITY... Nazi doctrines exerted considerable fascination on the Arab world. Both pan-Arabism and pan-Islamic ideologies looked to Hitler's Germany as a model for national unification, a counterweight to Western imperialism and a source of revolutionary dynamism. Anti-Semitic and anti-British feelings (anticipating some of the anti-Americanism) created a powerful sense of affinity between German Nazis and Arab [and Palestinian- Y.E.] nationalists in Egypt, Syria and Iraq...

5. "FOR DECADES, AUTHORITARIAN ARAB REGIMES TURNED THE BITTER FEELINGS OF HUMILIATION AND RAGE AMONG THE MASSES AGAINST THE 'COLONIALIST WEST'... Fear of apostasy fuses with hatred of America, Jews and non-Muslims in general... Stalin's shift toward the Nazi paradigm became transparent... All Zionist groups were 'agents' of American imperialism... In the Brezhnev era, anti-Zionist anti-Semitism became a cardinal feature of the official ideology...discrediting the Torah as a book of hatred... The Russian communist model was an important formative influence in Saddam's version of Ba'athism...

6. "A NIHILISTIC CULT OF DEATH ARE TRAITS THAT NAZIS, FASCISTS AND ISLAMISTS share completely in common. The morbid addiction to destruction and revenge drives them to paint the world red with blood in their mad rush to introduce utopia in the here-and-now... Whether millions die in the attempt is irrelevant... Arab unity would remain a dream without sacrifice, conflict martyrdom and bloodshed...

7. "IN THEIR CONFRONTATION WITH ISRAEL, THE ISLAMISTS APPEAL TO A 1,400 YEAR-OLD HISTORY and repeatedly invoke Quranic precedents. Muhammad's war with the Jews in 7th century Arabia is for them a vitally important guideline for the present...enthusiastically reviving blood libel of medieval Christianity... Haj Amin al-Husseini, [role model of the PA/PLO, who collaborated with Hitler - Y.E.] pointed to a common authoritarianism, anti-communism, Anglophobia and hatred of the Jews. His speeches would often begin with anti-Jewish quotations from the Quran... expressing his admiration for the way 'the Germans have definitively solved the Jewish problem.' IN THE LIGHT OF WHAT HAS BEEN HAPPENING IN THE PAST TWO YEARS (2001-3), ONE HAS TO ASK IF ANYTHING FUNDAMENTAL HAS CHANGED...

8. "NO STRATEGIC COMPROMISE IS POSSIBLE WITH THE AMERICAN OR ISRAELI DEVILS, let alone with Muslim 'heretics'... America and its civilization must be humiliated... The Zionist entity must be eradicated...