Israel Science and Technology Directory


Law Associations
@ Public Policy forums and associations
Honenu - Legal aid for Jewish victims02.9605558
IJLInternational Association of Jewish Lawyers and Jurists03.6910673
ILFInternational Legal Forum - fighting against terror
Israel Bar Association03.6362217
IPIIsrael Bureau of Private Investigators050.2164444
Israel Law and Liberty Forum
NFPAIsrael National Fire Protection Association08.9447720
IPEAIsrael Polygraph Examiners Association03.5752488
ILAJIsraeli Association of Judges
IAPLIsraeli Association of Public Law
ICPAIsraeli Computerized Polygraph Association050.5115515
ILEAIsraeli Law and Economics Association09.9527365
ISLLSSIsraeli Society for Labour Law and Social Security
Jewish Legal Heritage Society02.6247041
Shurat Hadin - Israel Law Center03.7514175
Tel Aviv District of the Israel Bar03.6905555

@ List of associations on other subjects.