Israel Science and Technology Directory

Language studies

Language studies Conferences in Israel
International Conference on Linguistics and Applied Linguistics - (ICLAL-25)Jerusalem2025‑06‑21
The origins of language: A multidisciplinary perspectiveJerusalem2023-07-23
הכינוס המדעי הבין־לאומי – העברית החדשהJerusalem2022-03-01
ISCOL 2021 - Israeli Seminar on Computational LinguisticsBeer-Sheva2021-10-07
לשון ומנהיגות הכינוס המדעיJerusalem2021-06-01
Israel Translators Association (ITA) Conference: Translation in an Age of UncertaintyVirtual2021-03-01
כינוס בין־לאומי במחקר לשון חכמיםJerusalem2020-02-10
32nd annual meeting of the Israel Association for Theoretical LinguisticsJerusalem2016-10-25
2016 Israel Seminar of Computational LinguisticsHaifa2016-05-31

@ List of Conferences in other fields.