Israel Science and Technology Directory

Israel Phone system and dialing codes

Phone area codes*
RegionCodeאזור חיוגMajor cities
Jerusalem02ירושליםJerusalem, Hebron
Dan03תל אביבTel Aviv, Rishon Lezion, Holon, Ramat Gan, Ariel
North04חיפהHaifa, Katzrin, Kiriat Shemona, Tiberias
South08הדרוםRehovot, Ashdod, Ashkleon, Beer Sheva, Eilat
Sharon09השרוןHerzliya, Netanya, Raanana

*WHEN DIALING from outside of Israel, omit the zero (0) at the start of the code.
This National Destination Code (NDC) is effective since April 20, 2004.

Country-wide domestic codes independent of geographical regions

Non-geographic prefix numbers for mobile telephony and cable telephony services:

Rami Levy055-66Cellular
Golan Telecom058Cellular
012 Smile072VoIP
013 Cellcom073VoIP
Hot Telecom (cable)077VoIP

The minimum phone number length (excluding the country code) is 8 digits, and the maximum is 9 digits.

Note: The Ministry of Communication has instituted a "number portability" policy allowing easy switch between service providers. This policy dictates that a subscriber can transfer phone service to another operator without changing phone number. Therefore, a phone number prefix does not necessarily indicate the current operator for the specific phone number.