Israel Science and Technology Directory

Internet Apache server

Apache server htaccess flags
#Mark line as comment
[C]Chain a rule with the next rule.
[E=var:val]Assigns to the Environment variable 'var' the value 'val'.
[F]Forbidden - The server returns a 403 error to the client
[G]Gone - Marks pages that no longer exist on the site.
[L]Last rule -
[N]Next - Forces Apache to redo the rewrite process, except using the currently rewritten URL instead of the initial URL
[NC]No Case - case insensitive.
[NE]No Escape - Instruction to parse all output ignoring escaping characters, meaning spaces in the URL will not be replaced with %20 for example.
[NS]No Subrequest - Instruction to skip if it is an internal sub request.
[OR] ‘OR‘ statement.
[P]Proxy - Instructs server to use mod_proxy to handle requests.
[PT]Pass Through - mod_rewrite to send a formatted URL back to Apache.
[QSA]Append query string at the end of the requested URI.
[QSD]Discard query string at the end of the requested URI.
[R]Redirect - 301 permanent redirect (page has moved); 302 temporary redirect.
[S=x]Skip 'x' number of rules if a match is found.
[T=MIME-type]Mime type of the target file.
File attribute tests
-dChecks whether the TestString is an existing directory.
-fChecks whether the TestString is an existing file.
-sChecks whether the TestString is an existing file with size >0.

Further references