Israel Science and Technology Directory

Biomedical Databases

Protein Sequence Databases
UniProt• Universal Protein knowledgebase (Swiss-Prot @ TrEMBL)
YPM2D Gel Map of Saccharomyces cerevisiae proteins
@ Protein Structure Databases
COGsClusters of Orthologous Groups of proteins
PSORTdbDatabase of Protein Subcellular Localizations for bacteria and archaea
PPARgeneDatabase of experimentally verified and computationally predicted target genes of Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs).
Phospho.ELMDatabase of experimentally verified phosphorylation sites in eukaryotic proteins
PROSITEDatabase of protein families and domains
G-Protein Coupled Receptor Database
Globin Gene Server
Heme Protein Database
PPDHuman Plasma Proteome Project Data Central at PeptideAtlas
Human Protein Atlas
IUPHAR Compendium of Ion Channels
Epitope tagsList of Epitope tags such as V5, c-myc, and HA
List of post-translational modifications
Mammalian Degradome Database: Complete repertoire of proteases expressed by a tissue or organism
Mucin Database of mucin genes, transcripts, protein sequences and functional domains
NCBI Protein Database
NRLiSt BDBNuclear Receptors Ligands and Structures Benchmarking DataBase
PROXiMATEPROtein-protein compleX MutAtion ThErmodynamics Database
PRIDEPRoteomics IDEntifications database
SRPDBSignal Recognition Particle Database
2DPAGETwo-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis database
UniProt Knowledgebase Manual
VKCDBVoltage-gated potassium channel database
World-2DPAGE Portal - gel-based proteomics databases