Website statistics by Analog
The visitor statistics of this website were analyzed by Analog by Dr. Stephen Turner. This was one of the most powerful web server log data analysis programs. However, the program is no longer maintained.
Here you can find the official Search Engine Configuration file for Analog. This file includes a list of search query terms used in search engines that referred users to your site. The file is updated weekly. Analog is a very powerful program that allows different types of analyses. Examples:
- How can I find out what search queries are referring users to my site?
Use the search engine configuration file as instructed in the file. Run Analog, then examine Search Query Report. - How can I find the frequency of specific search terms in user queries?
Include one the following commands in your analog.cfg file. Run Analog, and then examine Search Word Report.
To sort the words alphabetically:
To sort the words by their frequency of appearance:
SEARCHWORDSORTBY REQUESTS - How can I obtain a report for only one specific search engine?
To limit the search reports to one specific referring site, do one of the following:
In your analog.cfg file include only the line specific for the search engine you are interested in. For example, if you are interested in a report for Asia specific Yahoo, include the following line:
Alternatively put a comment mark "#", before each of the search engines you are NOT interested. For hundreds of lines this task can be automated by a global search and replace operation. My favorite ASCII editor as a replacement for Notepad is NoteTab (see Credits). In this program I search for symbol for line break "^P" and replace it with ";^P#". - How do I determine if all the referring sites in my log files are listed in the Search Engine Configuration file?
Examine the Referrer Report and compare it with the SEARCHENGINE listing in the configuration file. - What are your policies for including a website in the search engine list?
Search results should refer to pages in external websites. Search pages that provide results within a particular domain are not included in the list. This policy excludes all private company search pages. If you have such a search system that you wish to include in the list, please add it to the Analog configuration file.
Happy log file analysis!
Israel Hanukoglu