Israel Science and Technology Directory


10 works of Beethoven that actually changed the world
Best Symphonies: Top 10 Greatest
ArchiveJewish Music
ArchiveRoyalty-Free Music
ArchivesGreat 78 Project - 78 RPM records and cylinder recordings from the early 1900's
ArchivesPiyutim - Jewish Liturgical Poems in Hebrew
ArchivesSephardic Pizmonim Project
ArchivesThe Great Songs of Moshe Wilensky (Hebrew)
ArticlesInternational Repertory of Music Literature
DirectoryJewish Music Heritage Project
DirectoryJewish Music Resources
DirectoryJewish Music WebCenter
EncyclopediaRILM music encyclopedias
GlossaryGlossary Musical Terms
LyricsLyrics of Hebrew Songs
MusicAria Database
MusicJewish Folksongs (mainly in Yiddish and Ladino)
MusicMilken Archive of American Jewish Music
MusicMusopen Archive of Sheet Music for classical composers
ReferenceClassical Composers Database
ReferenceIsraeli Composers
ReferenceJerusalem of Gold (Yerushalayim Shel Zahav)
ReferenceJewish Conductors and Composers
SongsJudaica Sound Archives
SongsKibbutz Songs
SongsZemereshet - Hebrew songs from early history of modern Israel