Israel Science and Technology Directory

Unicode Supplementary Multilingual Plane (SMP) Blocks

Supplementary Multilingual Plane (SMP) of Unicode includes 134 Blocks covering code points from U+10000 to U+1FFFF.

Blocks: Unicode Blocks encompass characters related to a specific script (e.g., "Latin", "Cyrillic", "Greek"), a set of symbols (e.g., "Arrows", "Mathematical Operators"), or a specific purpose (e.g., "Control Pictures").

The list below provides 23 blocks that include symbols.
The remaining 121 blocks cover ancient scripts and languages and can be viewed here.

Symbol Blocks in the SMP plane of Unicode
NFirstLastNameN chars.
4101401018FAncient Greek Numbers79
1031D0001D0FFByzantine Musical Symbols246
1041D1001D1FFMusical Symbols231
1051D2001D24FAncient Greek Musical Notation70
1061D2E01D2FFMayan Numerals20
1071D3001D35FTai Xuan Jing Symbols87
1081D3601D37FCounting Rod Numerals25
1091D4001D7FFMathematical Alphanumeric Symbols996
1181EE001EEFFArabic Mathematical Alphabetic Symbols143
1201F0301F09FDomino Tiles100
1211F0A01F0FFPlaying Cards82
1221F1001F1FFEnclosed Alphanumeric Supplement200
1241F3001F5FFMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs768
1261F6501F67FOrnamental Dingbats48
1271F6801F6FFTransport and Map Symbols114
1281F7001F77FAlchemical Symbols116
1291F7801F7FFGeometric Shapes Extended101
1301F8001F8FFSupplemental Arrows-C150
1311F9001F9FFSupplemental Symbols and Pictographs254
1321FA001FA6FChess Symbols98
1331FA701FAFFSymbols and Pictographs Extended-A57
1341FB001FBFFSymbols for Legacy Computing212