Israel Science and Technology Directory

Unicode BMP Blocks

Block U+2200-U+22FF - Mathematical Operators

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2. Copy it (Ctrl-C) and then Paste it (Ctrl-V) in your target.

Mathematical Operators
87042200For All
87062202Partial Differential
87072203There Exists
87082204There Does Not Exist
87092205Empty Set
87122208Element Of
87132209Not An Element Of
8714220ASmall Element Of
8715220BContains as Member
8716220CDoes Not Contain as Member
8717220DSmall Contains as Member
8718220EEnd of Proof
8719220FN-Ary Product
87202210N-Ary Coproduct
87212211N-Ary Summation
87222212Minus Sign
87232213Minus-or-Plus Sign
87242214Dot Plus
87252215Division Slash
87262216Set Minus
87272217Asterisk Operator
87282218Ring Operator
87292219Bullet Operator
8730221ASquare Root
8731221BCube Root
8732221CFourth Root
8733221DProportional To
8735221FRight Angle
87372221Measured Angle
87382222Spherical Angle
87402224Does Not Divide
87412225Parallel To
87422226Not Parallel To
87432227Logical And
87442228Logical Or
8748222CDouble Integral
8749222DTriple Integral
8750222EContour Integral
8751222FSurface Integral
87522230Volume Integral
87532231Clockwise Integral
87542232Clockwise Contour Integral
87552233Anticlockwise Contour Integral
87602238Dot Minus
8762223AGeometric Proportion
8764223CTilde Operator
8765223DReversed Tilde
8766223EInverted Lazy S
8767223FSine Wave
87682240Wreath Product
87692241Not Tilde
87702242Minus Tilde
87712243Asymptotically Equal To
87722244Not Asymptotically Equal To
87732245Approximately Equal To
87742246Approximately But Not Actually Equal To
87752247Neither Approximately Nor Actually Equal To
87762248Almost Equal To
87772249Not Almost Equal To
8778224AAlmost Equal or Equal To
8779224BTriple Tilde
8780224CAll Equal To
8781224DEquivalent To
8782224EGeometrically Equivalent To
8783224FDifference Between
87842250Approaches the Limit
87852251Geometrically Equal To
87862252Approximately Equal to or the Image Of
87872253Image of or Approximately Equal To
87882254Colon Equals
87892255Equals Colon
87902256Ring In Equal To
87912257Ring Equal To
87922258Corresponds To
8794225AEquiangular To
8795225BStar Equals
8796225CDelta Equal To
8797225DEqual to By Definition
8798225EMeasured By
8799225FQuestioned Equal To
88002260Not Equal To
88012261Identical To
88022262Not Identical To
88032263Strictly Equivalent To
88042264Less-Than or Equal To
88052265Greater-Than or Equal To
88062266Less-Than Over Equal To
88072267Greater-Than Over Equal To
88082268Less-Than But Not Equal To
88092269Greater-Than But Not Equal To
8810226AMuch Less-Than
8811226BMuch Greater-Than
8813226DNot Equivalent To
8814226ENot Less-Than
8815226FNot Greater-Than
88162270Neither Less-Than Nor Equal To
88172271Neither Greater-Than Nor Equal To
88182272Less-Than or Equivalent To
88192273Greater-Than or Equivalent To
88202274Neither Less-Than Nor Equivalent To
88212275Neither Greater-Than Nor Equivalent To
88222276Less-Than or Greater-Than
88232277Greater-Than or Less-Than
88242278Neither Less-Than Nor Greater-Than
88252279Neither Greater-Than Nor Less-Than
8828227CPrecedes or Equal To
8829227DSucceeds or Equal To
8830227EPrecedes or Equivalent To
8831227FSucceeds or Equivalent To
88322280Does Not Precede
88332281Does Not Succeed
88342282Subset Of
88352283Superset Of
88362284Not A Subset Of
88372285Not A Superset Of
88382286Subset of or Equal To
88392287Superset of or Equal To
88402288Neither A Subset of Nor Equal To
88412289Neither A Superset of Nor Equal To
8842228ASubset of with Not Equal To
8843228BSuperset of with Not Equal To
8845228DMultiset Multiplication
8846228EMultiset Union
8847228FSquare Image Of
88482290Square Original Of
88492291Square Image of or Equal To
88502292Square Original of or Equal To
88512293Square Cap
88522294Square Cup
88532295Circled Plus
88542296Circled Minus
88552297Circled Times
88562298Circled Division Slash
88572299Circled Dot Operator
8858229ACircled Ring Operator
8859229BCircled Asterisk Operator
8860229CCircled Equals
8861229DCircled Dash
8862229ESquared Plus
8863229FSquared Minus
886422A0Squared Times
886522A1Squared Dot Operator
886622A2Right Tack
886722A3Left Tack
886822A4Down Tack
886922A5Up Tack
887422AATriple Vertical Bar Right Turnstile
887522ABDouble Vertical Bar Double Right Turnstile
887622ACDoes Not Prove
887722ADNot True
887822AEDoes Not Force
887922AFNegated Double Vertical Bar Double Right Turnstile
888022B0Precedes Under Relation
888122B1Succeeds Under Relation
888222B2Normal Subgroup Of
888322B3Contains as Normal Subgroup
888422B4Normal Subgroup of or Equal To
888522B5Contains as Normal Subgroup or Equal To
888622B6Original Of
888722B7Image Of
888922B9Hermitian Conjugate Matrix
889422BERight Angle with Arc
889522BFRight Triangle
889622C0N-Ary Logical And
889722C1N-Ary Logical Or
889822C2N-Ary Intersection
889922C3N-Ary Union
890022C4Diamond Operator
890122C5Dot Operator
890222C6Star Operator
890322C7Division Times
890522C9Left Normal Factor Semidirect Product
890622CARight Normal Factor Semidirect Product
890722CBLeft Semidirect Product
890822CCRight Semidirect Product
890922CDReversed Tilde Equals
891022CECurly Logical Or
891122CFCurly Logical And
891222D0Double Subset
891322D1Double Superset
891422D2Double Intersection
891522D3Double Union
891722D5Equal and Parallel To
891822D6Less-Than with Dot
891922D7Greater-Than with Dot
892022D8Very Much Less-Than
892122D9Very Much Greater-Than
892222DALess-Than Equal to or Greater-Than
892322DBGreater-Than Equal to or Less-Than
892422DCEqual to or Less-Than
892522DDEqual to or Greater-Than
892622DEEqual to or Precedes
892722DFEqual to or Succeeds
892822E0Does Not Precede or Equal
892922E1Does Not Succeed or Equal
893022E2Not Square Image of or Equal To
893122E3Not Square Original of or Equal To
893222E4Square Image of or Not Equal To
893322E5Square Original of or Not Equal To
893422E6Less-Than But Not Equivalent To
893522E7Greater-Than But Not Equivalent To
893622E8Precedes But Not Equivalent To
893722E9Succeeds But Not Equivalent To
893822EANot Normal Subgroup Of
893922EBDoes Not Contain as Normal Subgroup
894022ECNot Normal Subgroup of or Equal To
894122EDDoes Not Contain as Normal Subgroup or Equal
894222EEVertical Ellipsis
894322EFMidline Horizontal Ellipsis
894422F0Up Right Diagonal Ellipsis
894522F1Down Right Diagonal Ellipsis
894622F2Element of with Long Horizontal Stroke
894722F3Element of with Vertical Bar at End of Horizontal Stroke
894822F4Small Element of with Vertical Bar at End of Horizontal Stroke
894922F5Element of with Dot Above
895022F6Element of with Overbar
895122F7Small Element of with Overbar
895222F8Element of with Underbar
895322F9Element of with Two Horizontal Strokes
895422FAContains with Long Horizontal Stroke
895522FBContains with Vertical Bar at End of Horizontal Stroke
895622FCSmall Contains with Vertical Bar at End of Horizontal Stroke
895722FDContains with Overbar
895822FESmall Contains with Overbar
895922FFZ Notation Bag Membership