Block U+2190-U+21FF - Arrows
To use a character:
1. Select the desired character that appears under the Char column -
2. Copy it (Ctrl-C) and then Paste it (Ctrl-V) in your target.
Dec | Hex | Char | Name |
8592 | 2190 | ← | Leftwards Arrow |
8593 | 2191 | ↑ | Upwards Arrow |
8594 | 2192 | → | Rightwards Arrow |
8595 | 2193 | ↓ | Downwards Arrow |
8596 | 2194 | ↔ | Left Right Arrow |
8597 | 2195 | ↕ | Up Down Arrow |
8598 | 2196 | ↖ | North West Arrow |
8599 | 2197 | ↗ | North East Arrow |
8600 | 2198 | ↘ | South East Arrow |
8601 | 2199 | ↙ | South West Arrow |
8602 | 219A | ↚ | Leftwards Arrow with Stroke |
8603 | 219B | ↛ | Rightwards Arrow with Stroke |
8604 | 219C | ↜ | Leftwards Wave Arrow |
8605 | 219D | ↝ | Rightwards Wave Arrow |
8606 | 219E | ↞ | Leftwards Two Headed Arrow |
8607 | 219F | ↟ | Upwards Two Headed Arrow |
8608 | 21A0 | ↠ | Rightwards Two Headed Arrow |
8609 | 21A1 | ↡ | Downwards Two Headed Arrow |
8610 | 21A2 | ↢ | Leftwards Arrow with Tail |
8611 | 21A3 | ↣ | Rightwards Arrow with Tail |
8612 | 21A4 | ↤ | Leftwards Arrow from Bar |
8613 | 21A5 | ↥ | Upwards Arrow from Bar |
8614 | 21A6 | ↦ | Rightwards Arrow from Bar |
8615 | 21A7 | ↧ | Downwards Arrow from Bar |
8616 | 21A8 | ↨ | Up Down Arrow with Base |
8617 | 21A9 | ↩ | Leftwards Arrow with Hook |
8618 | 21AA | ↪ | Rightwards Arrow with Hook |
8619 | 21AB | ↫ | Leftwards Arrow with Loop |
8620 | 21AC | ↬ | Rightwards Arrow with Loop |
8621 | 21AD | ↭ | Left Right Wave Arrow |
8622 | 21AE | ↮ | Left Right Arrow with Stroke |
8623 | 21AF | ↯ | Downwards Zigzag Arrow |
8624 | 21B0 | ↰ | Upwards Arrow with Tip Leftwards |
8625 | 21B1 | ↱ | Upwards Arrow with Tip Rightwards |
8626 | 21B2 | ↲ | Downwards Arrow with Tip Leftwards |
8627 | 21B3 | ↳ | Downwards Arrow with Tip Rightwards |
8628 | 21B4 | ↴ | Rightwards Arrow with Corner Downwards |
8629 | 21B5 | ↵ | Downwards Arrow with Corner Leftwards |
8630 | 21B6 | ↶ | Anticlockwise Top Semicircle Arrow |
8631 | 21B7 | ↷ | Clockwise Top Semicircle Arrow |
8632 | 21B8 | ↸ | North West Arrow to Long Bar |
8633 | 21B9 | ↹ | Leftwards Arrow to Bar Over Rightwards Arrow to Bar |
8634 | 21BA | ↺ | Anticlockwise Open Circle Arrow |
8635 | 21BB | ↻ | Clockwise Open Circle Arrow |
8636 | 21BC | ↼ | Leftwards Harpoon with Barb Upwards |
8637 | 21BD | ↽ | Leftwards Harpoon with Barb Downwards |
8638 | 21BE | ↾ | Upwards Harpoon with Barb Rightwards |
8639 | 21BF | ↿ | Upwards Harpoon with Barb Leftwards |
8640 | 21C0 | ⇀ | Rightwards Harpoon with Barb Upwards |
8641 | 21C1 | ⇁ | Rightwards Harpoon with Barb Downwards |
8642 | 21C2 | ⇂ | Downwards Harpoon with Barb Rightwards |
8643 | 21C3 | ⇃ | Downwards Harpoon with Barb Leftwards |
8644 | 21C4 | ⇄ | Rightwards Arrow Over Leftwards Arrow |
8645 | 21C5 | ⇅ | Upwards Arrow Leftwards of Downwards Arrow |
8646 | 21C6 | ⇆ | Leftwards Arrow Over Rightwards Arrow |
8647 | 21C7 | ⇇ | Leftwards Paired Arrows |
8648 | 21C8 | ⇈ | Upwards Paired Arrows |
8649 | 21C9 | ⇉ | Rightwards Paired Arrows |
8650 | 21CA | ⇊ | Downwards Paired Arrows |
8651 | 21CB | ⇋ | Leftwards Harpoon Over Rightwards Harpoon |
8652 | 21CC | ⇌ | Rightwards Harpoon Over Leftwards Harpoon |
8653 | 21CD | ⇍ | Leftwards Double Arrow with Stroke |
8654 | 21CE | ⇎ | Left Right Double Arrow with Stroke |
8655 | 21CF | ⇏ | Rightwards Double Arrow with Stroke |
8656 | 21D0 | ⇐ | Leftwards Double Arrow |
8657 | 21D1 | ⇑ | Upwards Double Arrow |
8658 | 21D2 | ⇒ | Rightwards Double Arrow |
8659 | 21D3 | ⇓ | Downwards Double Arrow |
8660 | 21D4 | ⇔ | Left Right Double Arrow |
8661 | 21D5 | ⇕ | Up Down Double Arrow |
8662 | 21D6 | ⇖ | North West Double Arrow |
8663 | 21D7 | ⇗ | North East Double Arrow |
8664 | 21D8 | ⇘ | South East Double Arrow |
8665 | 21D9 | ⇙ | South West Double Arrow |
8666 | 21DA | ⇚ | Leftwards Triple Arrow |
8667 | 21DB | ⇛ | Rightwards Triple Arrow |
8668 | 21DC | ⇜ | Leftwards Squiggle Arrow |
8669 | 21DD | ⇝ | Rightwards Squiggle Arrow |
8670 | 21DE | ⇞ | Upwards Arrow with Double Stroke |
8671 | 21DF | ⇟ | Downwards Arrow with Double Stroke |
8672 | 21E0 | ⇠ | Leftwards Dashed Arrow |
8673 | 21E1 | ⇡ | Upwards Dashed Arrow |
8674 | 21E2 | ⇢ | Rightwards Dashed Arrow |
8675 | 21E3 | ⇣ | Downwards Dashed Arrow |
8676 | 21E4 | ⇤ | Leftwards Arrow to Bar |
8677 | 21E5 | ⇥ | Rightwards Arrow to Bar |
8678 | 21E6 | ⇦ | Leftwards White Arrow |
8679 | 21E7 | ⇧ | Upwards White Arrow |
8680 | 21E8 | ⇨ | Rightwards White Arrow |
8681 | 21E9 | ⇩ | Downwards White Arrow |
8682 | 21EA | ⇪ | Upwards White Arrow from Bar |
8683 | 21EB | ⇫ | Upwards White Arrow On Pedestal |
8684 | 21EC | ⇬ | Upwards White Arrow On Pedestal with Horizontal Bar |
8685 | 21ED | ⇭ | Upwards White Arrow On Pedestal with Vertical Bar |
8686 | 21EE | ⇮ | Upwards White Double Arrow |
8687 | 21EF | ⇯ | Upwards White Double Arrow On Pedestal |
8688 | 21F0 | ⇰ | Rightwards White Arrow from Wall |
8689 | 21F1 | ⇱ | North West Arrow to Corner |
8690 | 21F2 | ⇲ | South East Arrow to Corner |
8691 | 21F3 | ⇳ | Up Down White Arrow |
8692 | 21F4 | ⇴ | Right Arrow with Small Circle |
8693 | 21F5 | ⇵ | Downwards Arrow Leftwards of Upwards Arrow |
8694 | 21F6 | ⇶ | Three Rightwards Arrows |
8695 | 21F7 | ⇷ | Leftwards Arrow with Vertical Stroke |
8696 | 21F8 | ⇸ | Rightwards Arrow with Vertical Stroke |
8697 | 21F9 | ⇹ | Left Right Arrow with Vertical Stroke |
8698 | 21FA | ⇺ | Leftwards Arrow with Double Vertical Stroke |
8699 | 21FB | ⇻ | Rightwards Arrow with Double Vertical Stroke |
8700 | 21FC | ⇼ | Left Right Arrow with Double Vertical Stroke |
8701 | 21FD | ⇽ | Leftwards Open-Headed Arrow |
8702 | 21FE | ⇾ | Rightwards Open-Headed Arrow |
8703 | 21FF | ⇿ | Left Right Open-Headed Arrow |