Block U+2070-U+209F - Superscripts and Subscripts
To use a character:
1. Select the desired character that appears under the Char column -
2. Copy it (Ctrl-C) and then Paste it (Ctrl-V) in your target.
Dec | Hex | Char | Name |
8304 | 2070 | ⁰ | Superscript Zero |
8305 | 2071 | ⁱ | Superscript Latin Small Letter I |
8308 | 2074 | ⁴ | Superscript Four |
8309 | 2075 | ⁵ | Superscript Five |
8310 | 2076 | ⁶ | Superscript Six |
8311 | 2077 | ⁷ | Superscript Seven |
8312 | 2078 | ⁸ | Superscript Eight |
8313 | 2079 | ⁹ | Superscript Nine |
8314 | 207A | ⁺ | Superscript Plus Sign |
8315 | 207B | ⁻ | Superscript Minus |
8316 | 207C | ⁼ | Superscript Equals Sign |
8317 | 207D | ⁽ | Superscript Left Parenthesis |
8318 | 207E | ⁾ | Superscript Right Parenthesis |
8319 | 207F | ⁿ | Superscript Latin Small Letter N |
8320 | 2080 | ₀ | Subscript Zero |
8321 | 2081 | ₁ | Subscript One |
8322 | 2082 | ₂ | Subscript Two |
8323 | 2083 | ₃ | Subscript Three |
8324 | 2084 | ₄ | Subscript Four |
8325 | 2085 | ₅ | Subscript Five |
8326 | 2086 | ₆ | Subscript Six |
8327 | 2087 | ₇ | Subscript Seven |
8328 | 2088 | ₈ | Subscript Eight |
8329 | 2089 | ₉ | Subscript Nine |
8330 | 208A | ₊ | Subscript Plus Sign |
8331 | 208B | ₋ | Subscript Minus |
8332 | 208C | ₌ | Subscript Equals Sign |
8333 | 208D | ₍ | Subscript Left Parenthesis |
8334 | 208E | ₎ | Subscript Right Parenthesis |
8336 | 2090 | ₐ | Latin Subscript Small Letter A |
8337 | 2091 | ₑ | Latin Subscript Small Letter E |
8338 | 2092 | ₒ | Latin Subscript Small Letter O |
8339 | 2093 | ₓ | Latin Subscript Small Letter X |
8340 | 2094 | ₔ | Latin Subscript Small Letter Schwa |
8341 | 2095 | ₕ | Latin Subscript Small Letter H |
8342 | 2096 | ₖ | Latin Subscript Small Letter K |
8343 | 2097 | ₗ | Latin Subscript Small Letter L |
8344 | 2098 | ₘ | Latin Subscript Small Letter M |
8345 | 2099 | ₙ | Latin Subscript Small Letter N |
8346 | 209A | ₚ | Latin Subscript Small Letter P |