Israel Science and Technology Directory

Unicode BMP Blocks

Block U+2000-U+206F - General Punctuation

To use a character:
1. Select the desired character that appears under the Char column -
2. Copy it (Ctrl-C) and then Paste it (Ctrl-V) in your target.

General Punctuation
81922000 En Quad
81932001Em Quad
81942002En Space
81952003Em Space
81962004Three-Per-Em Space
81972005Four-Per-Em Space
81982006Six-Per-Em Space
81992007Figure Space
82002008Punctuation Space
82012009Thin Space
8202200AHair Space
8203200BZWSPZero Width Space (ZWSP)
8204200CZWNJZero Width Non-Joiner (ZWNJ)
8205200DZWJZero Width Joiner (ZWJ)
8206200ELRMLeft-to-Right Mark (LRM)
8207200FRLMRight-to-Left Mark (RLM)
82092011Non-Breaking Hyphen
82102012Figure Dash
82112013En Dash
82122014Em Dash
82132015Horizontal Bar
82142016Double Vertical Line
82152017Double Low Line
82162018Left Single Quotation Mark
82172019Right Single Quotation Mark
8218201ASingle Low-9 Quotation Mark
8219201BSingle High-Reversed-9 Quotation Mark
8220201CLeft Double Quotation Mark
8221201DRight Double Quotation Mark
8222201EDouble Low-9 Quotation Mark
8223201FDouble High-Reversed-9 Quotation Mark
82252021Double Dagger
82272023Triangular Bullet
82282024One Dot Leader
82292025Two Dot Leader
82302026Horizontal Ellipsis
82312027Hyphenation Point
82322028Line Separator
82332029Paragraph Separator
8234202ALRELeft-to-Right Embedding (LRE)
8235202BRLERight-to-Left Embedding (RLE)
8236202CPDFPop Directional Formatting (PDF)
8237202DLROLeft-to-Right Override (LRO)
8238202ERLORight-to-Left Override (RLO)
8239202FNNBSPNarrow No-Break Space (NNBSP)
82402030Per Mille Sign
82412031Per Ten Thousand Sign
82432033Double Prime
82442034Triple Prime
82452035Reversed Prime
82462036Reversed Double Prime
82472037Reversed Triple Prime
82492039Single Left-Pointing Angle Quotation Mark
8250203ASingle Right-Pointing Angle Quotation Mark
8251203BReference Mark
8252203CDouble Exclamation Mark
82562040Character Tie
82572041Caret Insertion Point
82592043Hyphen Bullet
82602044Fraction Slash
82612045Left Square Bracket with Quill
82622046Right Square Bracket with Quill
82632047Double Question Mark
82642048Question Exclamation Mark
82652049Exclamation Question Mark
8266204ATironian Sign Et
8267204BReversed Pilcrow Sign
8268204CBlack Leftwards Bullet
8269204DBlack Rightwards Bullet
8270204ELow Asterisk
8271204FReversed Semicolon
82722050Close Up
82732051Two Asterisks Aligned Vertically
82742052Commercial Minus Sign
82752053Swung Dash
82762054Inverted Undertie
82772055Flower Punctuation Mark
82782056Three Dot Punctuation
82792057Quadruple Prime
82802058Four Dot Punctuation
82812059Five Dot Punctuation
8282205ATwo Dot Punctuation
8283205BFour Dot Mark
8284205CDotted Cross
8286205EVertical Four Dots
8287205FMMSPMedium Mathematical Space (MMSP)
82882060WJWord Joiner (WJ)
82892061Function Application
82902062Invisible Times
82912063Invisible Separator
82922064Invisible Plus
82942066LRILeft-to-Right Isolate (LRI)
82952067RLIRight-to-Left Isolate (RLI)
82962068FSIFirst Strong Isolate (FSI)
82972069PDIPop Directional Isolate (PDI)
8298206AInhibit Symmetric Swapping
8299206BActivate Symmetric Swapping
8300206CInhibit Arabic Form Shaping
8301206DActivate Arabic Form Shaping
8302206ENational Digit Shapes
8303206FNominal Digit Shapes