Welcome to the home page of the "38th IUVSTA (International Union for Vacuum Science, Technique, and Applications) Workshop and Israel Science Foundation Workshop on Electronic Processes and Sensing on the Nano-Scale." The workshop will be run in the format of a Gordon Conference with extended discussions on the following topics:
- Unique electronic effects at the nano-scale
(Coulomb effects, resonant tunneling , quantum size effects) - Nano-devices (both "top-down" and "../../bottom2 up")
- Materials aspects of Nanoelectronics (synthesis, assembly)
- Electrostatics on the nanoscale: unique polarization and magnetic effects
- Nano scale limits to the space charge-controlled electronics
Principle questions that will be discussed include:
- How have recent discoveries changed the way we think of nano-scale electronic processes?
- Does the theory realistically address the state-of-the-art experiments?
- Molecular solutions - are they realistic?
- The concepts of miniaturization and reduced dimensionality
- Differences and similarities between macro- and nano-scale electronics
We look forward to see you with us, in what we hope will be a stimulating conference in the relaxed atmosphere of the City of Eilat at the Northern tip of the Red Sea.