Israel Hanukoglu, Ph.D.
Rehelim, Israel

Craig High School, Janesville, Wisconsin (1969-1970)

Israel Hanukoglu
1970 Phoenix Year Book photo.

During the academic year 1969-1970, I attended Joseph A. Craig High School in Janesville, Wisconsin with an American Field Service (AFS) Scholarship.

Craig High School, Class of 1970 − 55th Reunion

Class of 1970 − 55th reunion is being planned for the weekend of September 19-21, 2025. To stay connected contact

Craig High School, Class of 1970 − 52nd Reunion

The 52nd Class of 1970 Reunion was held on September 16-18 2022 with the participation of 95 classmates. 52nd Reunion Committee included: Bonnie Alt Gable, Sue Armstrong Fox, Paul Damrow, Nancy Goodsell Church, Nancy Hough, Christine Hughes, Pixie Miller, June Rudd Damrow, Tom Ryan, Mary Summerbell (Kathy Wuksinich, in memoriam).

Pictures from the class reunion