Israel Science and Technology Directory

Economics Banks

SWIFT code

SWIFT code is used for the identification of banks and financial institutions in business transactions and money transfers.
The code is also called as Business Identifier Code (acronym: BIC).

Components of the code: AAAABBCCXXX

Bank codeCountry codeLocation codeBranch code
AAAA4-letter Bank code
BB2-letter Country code - ISO 3166-1 alpha-2
CC2-letter or number of location code
XXX3-letter or number Branch code (optional) ('XXX' for primary office)

SWIFT code versus IBAN

IBAN is an acronym for International Bank Account Number.

The SWIFT code is an ID for a bank. In contrast, IBAN is the code for an individual bank account.

Web page to calculate IBAN code given bank account information

IBAN checker